
Identification of Critical Activities

In total project model placing individual segments models end-to-user or drawing a time phased master bar chart, plotting all the important segments with the indication of their interrelationships, it can be found some items have fairly  long Loath or slack time between starting and finishing, as then finishing does not hold up other activities, but at the same time some other items are so critical that the precedence Items tie in and start of succeeding items arc dependent on their finishing The latter items have to be separately identified and listed for special management attention towards their completion, in the interest of timely  completion  protect. 

Scheduling is a substantial improvement on programming. Scheduling is principally the exercise of laying out and integrating time, resources, and the work elements of engineering, procurement and construction in the most efficient  cruller to achieve the project objectives. Resources availability and their collection levels of distribution, time duration for individual activities and for the total project. the estimated costs are interrelated through the scheduling exercise. 

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