Location and Site Selection
Steel Work, Utilities, Finishing Items etc.
- Types of Buildings
- Criteria for Location and Site Selection
- Climatic Considerations
- Global Climate
- Site Climate
- Urban Climate
- Broad Guidelines
- Topographic Considerations
- Topographic Data
- Geographical information
- Hydrology of Area
- Soil Exploration
- Planning Rules and Regulatians
- NBC Rules arid requirments
- Master Plans and Municipal Rules
- Impact on Environment
- Principles of Planning
- Architectural Considerations
- Fire Resistance Regulations
- Residential Buildings
- Other Types of Buildings
- Relative Importance of Functional Elements
- Anthropometric Data
- Determinants for Design of a Building
- Planning of Rural Houses
- Types of Rural Houses
- NBO Type Designs
- Minimum Standards for Rural Housing
- Building Wall with Stabilised Mud Blocks
- Economical Doors and Windows
- Flooring with Local Materials
- Rural Sanitary Latrines
- Treatment of Thatched Roofs
- Antiseptic Treatment for Protection against Fungi and lnsects and Fire Retardant Treatment
- Mud Coated Thatches
- Water Proofing of Mud Walls
- Non-erodable Mud plaster
- Cement Lime Plastering
- Spraying with Water-proofing Solutions
- Doors
- Definitions of the Terms
- Classification of Doors
- Recent Developments
- Door Frames
- Windows
- Design of Windows
- Types of Window Movement
- Glass and Glazing
- Fixtures and Fastenings for Doors and Windows
- Ventilators
- Wall and Roof Ventilators
- Standards of Ventilation
- Stairs
- Type of Stairs
- Material Classfication of Stans
- Site Investigations
- Trial Pit and Boring
- Field Tests
- Bearing Capacity of Soil
- Settlement of Foundations
- Depth of Foundation
- Selection and Types of Foundation
- Shallow Fondations
- Grillage Foundation
- Raft Foundation
- Deep Foundations
- Timber Piles
- Concrete Piles
- Under-reamed Piles
- Exterior Finishing Materials
- Paving and Paved Surfaces
- Roofing Materials
- Interior Finishing Materials
- Decorative Coatings
- Walls
- Brick Masonry
- Mortars
- Brick Masonry : Construction Practices
- Reinforced Brickwork
- Stone Masonry
- Stone Masonry : Construction Practices
- Block Masonry
- Partitions
- Thermal Insulation
- Kinds of Thermal insulation
- Vapour Insulation
- Vapour Barriers
- Acoustic Insulation
- Types of Acoustical Materials
- Insulation with Reference to Air Conditioning
- Planning for Thermal Comfort
- Estimate of a Construction Project
- Components of an Estimate
- Estimation during Feasibility Studies
- Quick Method of Approximate Estimate
- Cost Data
- Estimation during the Project Report Stage and for Project Approval
- Estimating Procedure
- Estimating for Planning Bill of Quantities
- Construction through Contract
- Estimating for Planning and Scheduling of Construction
- Estimation for Variations
- Estimating for Revision of Project Budgets
- Revised Project Budget
- Definitions
- Interpretation of Drawing
- Interpretation and Specifications
- Interpretation of Quantities(BOQ)
- Conditions of Contract
- Site Instructions
- Instructions By The Owner / Consultant
- Instructions to the Contractors
- Role of Coiistruction Supervisor
- Position of the Construction Supervisor
- Responsibilities of lhe Coiistruction Supervisor
- Qualifications and Training Requirement for a Construction Supervisor
- Construction Supervisor and the Phases of Construction Project
- Supervision for the Owner/Coiisultant
- Supervision for the Construction Agency
- Construction Supervision and Inspection and Testing
- Testing
- Construction Supervisor's Role in Ensuring Progress
- Tools for Repairs
- Repairing Materials
- Maintenance of Water Supply and Drainage Systems
- Cleaning of Clogged Pipes
- Cleaning Out a Trap
- Cleaning Out Vent Stack
- Thawing Frozen Pipes
- Detecting Leaks
- Stopping Leaks in Pipe Lines
- Repair Methods in Water Supply Pipes
- Case Studies
- Preservation of Timber
- Qualities and Requirements of a Good Preservative
- Types of Preservatives
- Application
- Fire Resistance of Timber
- Seasoning of Timber
- Free Moisture and Bound Moisture
- Determination of Moisture Content
- Purposes of Seasoning
- Methods of Seasoning
- Artificial Seasoning
- Classification of Timbers with Respect to Seasoning
- Inspection of Timber Members
- Case Study
- Deterioration
- Classification of Cracks
- Causes
- Defects - Construction
- Cracks due to Several other Factors
- Size of Cracks
- Causes of Failure of Foundations and Remedial Measures
- Transpiration of Trees and Shrubs
- Improving the Bearing Capacity of Soils and Making Foundations on Weaksoils
- Cracks in Brick WorkfPlaster
- Repairs Cracks/Deteriorations
- Guniting or Shot Concrete (or Shotcrete)
- Pressure Grouting
- Treattnent of Cracks
- Surface Treattnents of Concrete
- Case Studies
- Repairing Materials
- Coatings and Protective Layers
- Design and Construction Practices
- Methods of Excluding External Sources of Chloride Ion from Concrete
- Methods of Protecting Reinforcing Steel from Chloride Ion
- Corrosion Control Methods
- Remedial Measures to Rehabilitate Affected Structures
- Case Studies
- Concrete Materials
- Aggregates
- Water
- Reinforcement Steel
- Checklist for Buying Reinforcement
- Mixing of Different Types of Steel
- Site Arrangements
- Formwork
- Timber and Plywood
- Constructional Details of Formwork
- General Points
- Removal of Formwork
- Stripping Time
- Checking of Formwork and Common Defects
- Stages to be Checked
- Plain Concrete
- Reinforced Concrete
- Concrete Mix Proportioning
- Batching
- Mixing
- Formwork
- Assembly of Reinforcement
- Transporting and Placing
- Compaction
- Curing
- Precast Concrete
- Under Water Concreting
- Concrete Equipment
- Mixing Equipment
- Transportation Equipment
- Compaction Equipment
- Concrete Equipment for Ready Mixed Conaete
- Testing and Quality Control of Concrete
- Specification of Quality Requirements
- Proportioning of Concrete
- Testing of Conaete
- Mode of Analysis and Interpretation of Data
- Quality Control Team
- Deviations from ISI Codes of Practice
- Summary of Important Control Promdues
- List of ISI Codes of Practice Relevant to Quality Control of Concrete
- List of Records to be Maintained
- List of Equipment of a Field Testing Laboratory
- Soil Investigation
- Excavation
- Safety Precautions
- Blasting
- Excavation in all Kinds of Soil
- Excavation in Ordinary Hard Rock
- Foundation Level
- Filling
Filling Trenches, Plinth, Floors etc.
Filling at Optimum Moisture Content
Raft Foundations
- Pile Foundations
- Pile Driving
- Check List
- Common Defects Occurring in Piling Work
- Well Foundations
- Anti-tennite Treatment
- Materials
- Mortar
- Cement Mortar
- Cement Lime Mortar
- Cement Flyash Sand Mortar
- Concrete
- Lime Concrete
- Brick Work
- Joints
- Workmanshlp and Quality Assurance
- Measurements
- Test Requirements
- List of Bureau of Indian Standards Code
- Structural Steel Work
- Flooring
- Plastering and Pointing
- White Washing, Distemper, Painting and Glazing
- Painting and Glazing
- Water Proofing
- Timber Joinery, Doors. Builder's Hardware
- Timber Joinery
- Flush Doors
- Steel Non-Ferrous Metal Joinery
- Builder's Hardware and other Fittings
- Wall
- Brick Masonry Wall
- Stone Masonry Wall
- Roofing and Ceiling
- Water Supply, Plumbing
- Pumping
- Treatment Plants
- Sedimentation Tanks
- Filtration Plants
- Reservoirs
- Pipe Lines
- Laying and Jointing of Pipes
- Filling of Trenches
- Testing of Pipe Line
- Plumbing
- Electrical, HVAC Works
- Site Planning
- Land use and Circulation
- Contour Lines
- Grading
- Site Drainage
- Site investigation
- Types of Site
- Site Organisation
- Site Layout
- Stores and Equipment
- Sheds and Offices
- The Start of the Contract
- Necessity for Efficient Site Organisation
- Working Drawings
- Architectural Symbols
- Reading Specialised Drawings
- Computer Aided Design and Drafting
- Removal of Existing service Lines
- Removal of Bushes and Trees
- Demolition of Existing Building/Structure
- Blasting with Explosives
- Safely During Demolition
- Disposal of Materials
- Moving Structures
- Site Levelling and Grading
- Estimation of Earthwork
- Access lo Site and Site Roads
- Site Drainage
- Site Accommodation
- Storage for Materials
- Storage for Equipment and Tools
- Plant Requirements and Movement of the Pluits
- Site Electricity
- Site Lighting
- Water for Construction
- Site Protection
- Quantification Principles of Various Items of Work
- Earthwork for Canals and Roads
- Masonry
- Plain and Reinforced Cement Concrete
- Structural Steel
- Woodwork
- Painting
- Plumbing and other Lump-sum Items
- Rate Analysis
- Examples
- Computer-aided Estimating
- Objectives of Estimating
- Process of Estimating
- Identification of Components of Construction
- Construction Sequence
- Discrete Construction Activities
- Measurability of Components
- Principles of Measurement
- Methodology of Measurement
- Units of Measurement
- Limits of Measurements and Degree of Accuracy
- Methods of Qualification
- Rate Analysis or Pricing
- Elements of Pricing
- Estblishment of Data
- Risks
- Profit Margins
- Techniques of Pricing
- Labour
- Equipment
- Overhead Costs
- Summarisation
- Approximate Estimates
- Methods for Obtanining Approxlmate Estimates
- Nature of Construction Works
- Construction Contracting Option
- Formnulation and Types of Contract
- Tendering for Contract
- Contract Administration Guidelines
- Disputes, Clainis and the Mode of Settlement
- Contract Participants' Problem?
- Time Value of Money Concepts
- Pay Back Period Method
- Rate of Return Analysis
- Cash Flow
- Economic Comparisons
- Inflation
- Methods of Inflation Accouting
- Current Cost Accouting
- Depreciation
- Personal Cost
- Equipment Cost
- Overheads
- Project Planning Process
- Projcct Objectives
- Work Breakdown Structure
- Bar Chart Schedule
- CPM Network Analysis
- Project Precedence Network Analysis
- Time Schedule Development Method
- Resources Scheduling Method
- Project Control Methodology
- Time-Cost Trade-off Methodology
- Micro-computer Applications
- Inlportance of Planning, Schedulilig and Controling Project
- Environment of Business
- Some Basic Propositions
- Economic Environment
- Critical Elements
- Indian Economic Environment
- Economic Environment and Business Management
- Economic and Non-economic Environment : The Interaction Matrix
- understanding a Person
- Communication and Interpersonal Relations
- Theories of Work Motivation
- Group Processes
- Employee Problems at Work
- Manager'sRole
- Organisation
- Management Theory
- Management Thought
- Human Relations Approach
- Socio-technical Systems
- System Approach
- Theory 'X'
- Theory 'Y'
- Herzberg's Two Factor Theory
- Organising
- Organisational Design
- Organisation Chart
- Structuring of Departments
- Planning and Decision Making
- Reasons for Plaining
- Decision Making
- Decision Making Process
- Conditions of Decision Making
- Suggestions for Effective Decision Making
- Group Decision Making
- Control Process
- Need for Control
- Design of Control
- Types of control
- Leading
- Demand Analysis
- The Law of Demand
Demand Elasticities
Demand Revenue Relationship
- Cost and Production Analysis
- Production Function
- Supply Curves
- Cost Curves
- Breakeven Analysis
- Production Function
- Supply Curves
- Cost Curves
- Breakeven Analysis
- Market Structure
- Defining Training and Development
- Goals and Purposes of Training
- Policy and Strategy of Training and Development
- Role of a Training Manager
- Methods to Assess Training Needs
- Group Responses
- Individual Responses
- Formulating a Training Objective
- Principles of Learning
- Training Methods
- Evaluation of Training
- Design and Administration of a Training Programme
- Goals of Management Development
- Aims of Management Development Efforts
- Principles of Management Development
- Techniques of Management Development
- Organisation Dynamics : A Systems Approach
- Factors that Make Organisation Dynamics - A Living Growth Being
- Structural Change
- Types of Organisation Structure
- Job Analysis and Design
- Authority and Power
- Dynamics of Power
- Authority in the Organisational Context
- Centralisation and Decentralisation of Authority
- Transforming and Renewing Organisation
- Conducting Organisation Diagnosis
- Defining tbe Mission
- Planning for Improved Performance
- Need for Visionary Leadership
- Case Studies
- Organisation Structure : Basic Concepts
- Preparation Some Conventions
- Principles of Organising
- Departmentation
- Coordination
- Vertical Coordination
- Chain of command
- Span of Control
- Delegation
- Horizontal Coordination
- Organisational Design
- Open Systems View and Contingency Pefipective
- Strategic Factors and Design Implications
- Environmental Influences on Structure
- General and Specific Environment
- Relating theOrganisation to iu Environment
- Size Structure Relationship
- Technology and Structure
- Strategy-Structure Relationship
- People-Structure Relationship
- Sub-system Design
- Team-based Organisations
- Organic Structural Appendages
- Levels of the Organisation and Design Implications
- Designing Organisation Structure in Practice
- Project/product/Programe Organisation
- Matrix Organisation
- Power and Authority
- Characteristics of Target
- Leadership Style
- Delegation
- Guidelines for Effective Delegation
- Team Building
- Reasons for Failure of Team
- Suggestions for Improving Teamwork
- Case Study
Decision Making : Models, Techniques and Processes
- Three Phases in Decision Making Process
- Types of Managerial Decision
- Decision Making under Different States of Nature
- Models of Decision Making Process
- Econologic Model or Economic Man Model
Bounded Rationality Model or Administrative Man Model
lnlplicit Favourite Model or Games Man Model - Techniques Used in Different Steps of Decision Making
- Identification of Alternatives
- Brainstorming
- Synectics
- Nominal Grouping
- Creative Thinking
- Selection of an Alternative
- Implementation of Decision
- Operations Research Techniques
- Linear Programming
- Simulation
- Individual Vs Group Decision Making
- Risky Shift Phenpmenon
- Groupthink
- Outcome of Groupthink
- Overcoming Barriers to Effective Decision Making
- Concepts/Basics of Quality
- Importance of Quality and Need for Improvement
- Controlling Aspects of Quality
- Some Basic Concepts of Applied Statistics
- Quality Assurance and Quality Control
- Acceptance Sampling
- Sampling Plans
- Design of Single Sampling Plan
- Average Outgoing Quality
- Double and Multiple Sanipling
- Process Control
- Variability
- Control Charts
- X and R Charts
- Other Control Charts
- A Note on Variability in Manufacture
- Quality Function and Its Assurance
- Overview of IS0 9000
- Relevance of the Concept
- Financial Markets
- Interest Factor
- Reasons for Having Interest
- Parties Point of View
- Interest Rate
- Interest Calculations
- Frequency of Compounding
- Average lnterest Estimation
- Interest and Discount Formulae
- Interest Tables
- Time Value of Money and Managerial Decisions
- Step-by-step Procedure for Solving the Time Value Related Problems
- Concept of Sustainable Development
- Risk Management and Projects
- Eco-Friendly Projects and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
- Social Component
- Flow Chart of Activities EIA Process
- Complexity of Eco-Friendly Projects
- Financial Institutions and Project's Eco-friendliness
- Eco Mark
- Questioning Developmental Projects
- Case Study : Narmada Dam
- Development of Projects
- History and Projections
- Some Cases of Monumental Project
- General Causes of Overruns
- Sound Management Practices Necessary to Combat Overruns
- Various Phases of the Project.
- Project Identification
- Ple-feasibity Report and its Clearance
- Estimates and Techno-econonlic Feasibility Report
- Detailed Project Report
- Project Clearances
- Project Financing
- Technology Transfer and Foreign Collaboration
- Appointment of Consultants
- Project Planning and Organising
- Development of Project Plan Objectives
- Programming and Scheduling
- Project Budget and Fund Flow Status
- Project Organisation
- CPM and Other Project Planning Techniques
- Origin of Bar CM and CPM/PERT
- Detailed Study ofCPM
- Precedence Network
- Line of Balance (LOB)
- Procurement and Materials Management
- Contracting and Construction Management
- Contracting Approach
- Contractors Role
- Types of Contract
- Contracting Procedure
- Objectiveof Construction Management
- Definition of CM's Scope
- Project Control
- Time and Cost Control Tools and Techniques
- Decision Making as a Control Function
- Time Crashing Economy Analysis
- Information Reporting System
- Risk Management as a Control Function
- VE Basics
- Functions and Value
- Aesthetics and Worth
- VE : Functlon Approach
- Relating Value to Worth
- Allocating Cost to Function
- Beginning a Value Study
- Job Plans
- FAST Diagramming
- Creativity
- The Brainstorming Techniques
- Some Case Studies in VE
- Behavioural and Organisational Aspects of Value Engineering
- Benefits of Value Engineering
- The Basic Parameters of Organisational Design
- Delegation and Decision Making
- The Dimensions of Organisation
- Organisational Culture
- Characteristics of Organisational Culture
- Culture Change
- Organigational Environment
- Organisational Productivity
- Organisation Design
- Organisational Restructuring - The Need
- Work Flow
- Organisational Forms
- Traditional Form
- Process of Development of New Forms
- Line staff Organisation
- Pure Project Form
- Matrix Organisational Form
- Matrix Form Modifications
- Adhocratic Structure
- Selecting the Organisational Form
- Construction Organisation
- Expert Consultants
- Construction Agencies
- Medium/Large Firms
- Inspecting Organisations
- Need and Direction of Restructuring the Construction Organisation
- Project Life Cycle
- Project Phases and Processes
- Fast Track Approach
- Project Initiation Phase
- Need Identification
- Pre-feasibility Report and its Clearance
- Feasibility Study
- Investment Appraisal
- Sources of Finance
- Project Statutory Clearance
- Project Scope Definition
- Project Planning and Design Phase
- Designing Processes
- Project Procurement Process
- Project Execution and Control Phase
- Project Execution Processes
- Project Control Phase
- Project Close-up Phase
- Project Organisation
- Organisational Structures
- Emerging Organisational Trends
- Market Size and its Importance
- Features of Construction Industry
- Uniqueness
- Mobility of Facilities
- Multiplicity of Agencies
- Sensonality of Labour Force
- Organisation
- Finance
- Management
- Productivity
- Labour Quality
- Safety Hazards
- Definition and Scope
- Importance of Materials Management
- Issues in Materials Management
- Issues Relating to Materials Planning
- Issues Relating to Purchasing
- Issues Relating to Storage and Material Handling
- Integrated Materials Management Approach
Advantages in Integrated Materials Management Approach
- Materials Management in Construction
- Materials Cost
- Labour Costs
- Special Materials Costs
- Construction Materials Management
- Economy in Materials Management
- What Encompasses Modern Construction Materials Management
- Concepts of Inventory
- Need for Inventory and its Control
- Objectives of Inventory Control
- Factors Affecting Inventory
- What to Prioritise for Procurement ?(Classification Methods)
- Econometric Methods
- How Much to Order ? (EOQ - Economic Order Quantities)
- When to Order ?
- Elements of Purchasing
- Materials Purchasing System
- Indenting
- Enquiry Stage
- Offer Processing Stage
- Ordering Systems
- Cash Purchase
- Tender System
- Rate and Running Contract
- Sub-contracting
- Systems Contract
- Stockless Purchase
- Blanket Order
- Seasonal Buying
- Receipt of Material Transportation and Inspection
- Material Procurement Cycle
- Warehouses or Stores
- Objectives and Functions of Stores
- Location and Layout of Stores
Location Determinants of Stores
General Criteria for Layout of Stares
- Preservation of Store Materials
- Stores Systems and Procedures
- Management of Receipts
- Issue Control
- Stores Documentation
- Stock Valuation and Verification
- Methods of Valuation
- Stock Verification
- Waste Management Disposal of Surplus,Obsolete and Scrap
- Reasons for Obsolescence
- Control of Obsolescence
- Control of Scrap
- Responsibility for Disposal
- Disposal Methods
- Specialised Buying
- Imports and Import Substitution
- Vendor Management
- Identification of the Right Source
- Source Selection
- Vendor Regetration and Development
- Vendor Rating
- Aims of Vendor Rating
- Advantages of Vendor Rating
- Vendor Rating Methods
- Parameters of Vender Rating
- Learning Cycle and Training
- Pitfalls of Learning Curve ?
- Documenting the Processes, Codification and IS0 9000
- Materials Management Computerisation
- Trainer's Role in Computerisation
- Why Computerisation Fails ?
- Pitfall No. 1 : Under Commit
- Pitfall No. Tr y to Pave the Goat Path
- Pitfall No. 3 : Create a Point-Solution Hell
- Pitfall No. 4 : Champagne DreamsIBeer Budgets
- Pitfall No. 5 : Pick the Wrong Technology Partner(s)
- Pitfall No. 6 : Expect to Just Add Water
- Pitfall No. 7 : Avoid the Human Side of the Equation
- Pitfall No. 8 : Being Too Diplomatic
- Pitfall No. 9 : Assume that Done is Done
- Legal Aspects
- Equipment Management Organisation
- Spare Parts Inventory
- Availability of Spare Parts
- Interchangeability of Spare Parts
- Stock Planning
- Economic Life
- Replacement Analysis
- Necessity of Maintenance Management
- Principal Aspects and Methods of Maintenance
- Equipment Servicing and Servicing Facilities
- Field Repair and Maintenance Facilities
- Tools and Aids for Maintenance
- Lubrication Requirements of Construction Equipment
- Storage and Handling of Lubricants
- Inspection and Maintenance Program
- Data Bank
- Equipment Management Information Service
Equipment Performance Characteristics
- Performance Characteristics
- Performance Characteristics of Earthmoving Equipment
- Power Shovels
- Draglines
- Scrapers
- Performance Characteristics of Road Equipment
- Performance Characteristics of Concrete Placing
- Performance Characteristics of Centrifugal Pumps
- Equipment Selection
- Product Features and Attachments
- Supplier Support
- Cost
- Equipment Planning
- Matching of Construction Equipment and Plant
- Construction Plant and Job Layout
- Financing
- Hire-Purchase Options
- Owning and Operating Cost
- Invitation to Tender
- Instructions to the Tenderers
- Prequalification of Contractors
- Prequalification Procedure
- Example of a Prequalification Questionnaire
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Prequalification
- Contract Conditions
- General Conditions of Contract
- Special Conditions of Contract
- Technical Specifications
- Drawings
- Construction
- Drawings
- As Executed Drawings
- Addenda
- Proposal
- Tender Bond aid Performance Bond
- Labour and Material Payment Bonds
- Letter of Ititelit
- Forms
- Terms of Payment
- Retention Money
- Acceptance of Work
- Maintenance Period
- Time for Completion
- Extension of Time for Completion
- Variation in Works and Conditions
- All Disputes Arising out of the Contract
- Claims and Disputes
- Liquidated Damages
- Termination of Contract
- Rights of Various Interests
- Responsibilities of Concerned Agencies : Architect,Engineers, Contractor and Owner
- Professional Liability Insurance
- Changes in Plans and Specifications
- Orders for Changcs or Deviations
- Definition of a Contract
- Essential Elements of a Contract
- Types of Construction Contract
- Purchase Orders as Contracts
- Suhcontracts
- Selection of Type of Contract
- Project Insurance
- Insurance Contracts and Claims
- Procedures for Disputes at Law
- Mediation
- Arbitration
- Quality Control
- Econoinic Objectives of Quality Control
- Field Qunlity Control
- Achieving Field Qualily Control
- Promotion of Quality Control in the Field
- Contractor Qunlity Control
- Imnportance of Specitications
- Incentives and Penalties in Specifications
- Workmanship as a Mark of Qualily
- Different Fields of Application of Accounting,Commonality in the Fields, Adaptation to Different Goals
- Functions of Accounting
- Scope and Functions of Construction Management Accounting
- Planning Function
- Role in Decision-making
- Finance Function : Concerns Addressed
- Essential Personnel Qualities
- Accounting Concepts, GAAP
- Historical Background
- Contemporary (Management) Accounting vs. Traditional Accounting
- Contemporary Status and Concepts
- Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
- Money Measurement Concept
- Business Entity Concept (or Accounting Entity Assumption)
- Going Concern Concept
- Cost Concept
- Accounting Processes
- Overview of the Accounting Process
- Objectives of Accounting
- Making Information Available to Interested Groups
- Limitations of Accounting
- Rules for Recording Transactions
- Accounting Equations
- The T-Format (or the Two-Column Format)
- Source Documents and Books of Accounts
- Implementation of the Accounting Process
- Details on Subsidiary Books
- Journal Proper
- Bank Reconciliation Statement
- Trial Balance Balancing
- Trial Balance
- Errors in Trial Balance
- Rectification of Errors
- Financial Statements
- Transition from Recording/Classifying to SummarisingfReporting
- Balance Sheet
- Balance Sheet related to Trial Balance and to P & L A/c
- Accounting Conventions
- Materiality in Disclosure
- Consistency
- Conservatism, or Prudence
- Certain Difficulties
- Inter-relationship between P & L A/c and Balance Sheet
- Capital and Revenue Expenditure
- Capital and Revenue Receipts
- Capital Loss and Revenue Loss
- Inter-relationship between P&L A/c and Balance Sheet
- Matching Principle (Matching Revenue and Expenses)
- Determination of Gross Profit : Trading Account
- Purposes of Preparing Trading A/c
- Important Items of Trading Account
- Gross Profit or Gross Loss
- Manufacturing Account
- Profit and Loss Alc (P & L A/c)
- Purposes and Importance of P & L A/c
- Contents and Preparation of P & L A/c
- Regarding the Contents of P & L A/c
- Provisions
- Divisible Profits
- Reserves
- Charges against Profits and Appropriation of Profits
- P & L A/c (in Common Parlance)
- Explanation of Certain Items in Balance Sheet
- Reserves : Classifications
- Capital Profits
- Marshalling of Assets and Liabilities
- More Items in BS Explained
- Some General Information
- Management Accounting
- Content of Management Accounting
- Adaptation to Construction Accounting
- Essentials of Time Value of Money under Discrete Compounding
- Cash Flow Diagrams
- Interest Formulae and Interest Tables
- Cash Flow from the Point of View of the Contractor and of the Owner Client
- Notice Inviting Tender (NIT)
- Cash Flow from the Point of View of the Contractor
- Cash Flow for the Owner
- Effect of Considering the Contractor's Working Capital as Borrowed Money
- Interest during Construction
- Effect of Contract Clauses on Cash Flow
- Some General Features in Contracting
- Diagrammatic Representation of Contractor's Cash Flow
- Concept of Self-financing Cpntracts
- Illustration of the Effect of Advances
- Effects of Real Market Mechanism on Cash Outflows
- Turn-key Projects
- Inventory Valuation
- Definition : Items Included
- Why Inventory Valuation ?
- Inventory and Materials
- Accounting Relationship Involving Inventory
- Importance and Impact of Inventory Evaluation
- Methods of Inventory Valuation
- Principle of Lower of Cost and Market Price
- Classification and Grouping of Inventory for Valuation
- Illustration of Inventory Valuation
- Depreciation
- Certain Concepts
- Elements in Depreciation Computations
- Capital Recovery with Return is Equivalent for all Methods of Depreciation
- Switch-point in DRDB Method
- Cash Flow Consideration in Choice Between Alternative
- Choice of Depreciation Policy
- Gain or Loss on Disposal. Relevance of Book Value
- Capitalising or Expensing ?
Capital Investment Decisions
- Characteristics of Capital Investment
- Kinds of Capital Budgeting Decisions
- Accept-Reject Decisions
- Mutually Exclusive Project Decisions
- Capital Rationing Decisions
- Computations in Regard to Future Benefits : CFAT
- lllustrative Examples
- Single Proposal
- Replacement Proposal
- Mutually Exclusive Project Proposals
- Market-based Approximation for Salvage Value
- Evaluation Techniques Apprisal Methods for Capital Budgeting
- Traditional Methods
- Discounted Cash Flow Techniques
- Capital Rationing
- The Two-Stage Process
- Strategic Investments
- Period Planning
- Project Divisibility
- Risk Analysis
- Methods of Incorporating Risk Factors in Capital Budgeting Decisions
- Risk-Adjusted Discount Rate Approach
- Certainty-Equivalent Approach
- Sensitivity Analysis
- Analysis Based on Probability Distribution of Cash Flows
- Decision-Tree Approach
- Change of Emphasis from "Raising of Funds" to "Procurement and Efficient Uses of Resources"
- Statement of Changes in Financial Position (SCFP)
- Preparing SCFP on Working Capital (WC) Basis
- Other Sources and Uses of WC
- lllustrative Example to Compute Funds Flow from Business Operations
- Illustrative Example in Terms of NCA and NCL
- Illustrative Example with NCA (In terms of WDV rather than Original Costs)
- Computations in Respect of Changes in NCL
- Computations of Changes in BS and WC
- Preparing SCFP on Cash Basis
- Preparing SCFP on Total Resources Basis
- Usefulness of SCFP
- Specifics for Construction Industry
- Financial Statement Analysis : Ratio Analysis
- Liquidity Ratios
- Leverage, or Capital Structure, Ratios
- Profitability Ratios
- Activity Ratios
- Importance and Limitations of Ratio Analysis
- Definition and Implications
- Trade-off between Profitability and Risk in WC Management
- Determining the Finance-Mix
- Estimating Working Capital Needs
- Financing of Working Capital
- Managing Cash and Marketable Securities and Payments
- Receivables Management
- Inventory Management and Control
Introduction to Human Resource Management
Labour Legislation
Labour Legislation
- Labour Legislation is Relating to Construction Industry
- Contract. Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act. 1970
- Inter-state Migruit Labour Act, 1979
- Factories Act, 1948
- Minimum Wages Act, 1948
- Payment of Wages Act, 1936
- Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
- Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
- Sexial Security Legislations
- The Role of Law Enforcing Agencies arid Judiciary Implementation
- Industrial Relations
- Collective Bargaining
- Workers Participation in Management
- Health, Safety and Quality Orientation of Employees
- Grievance Handling
- Discipline
- Role of Law Enforcing Agencies and Judiciary in Industrial Relations
- Role, Scope arid Inlportance of Employment o f Women in Collstruction Industry
- Special Protection to Women under Various Labour Laws
- Competency Development and Empowerment of Women Employees
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