

It is essential that the executing agency should obtain written approval of the competent authority for resorting to blasting. 

The executing agency shall obtain licence from the competent authority for undertaking blasting work as well as for obtaining and storing the explosives as per the Explosive Act, 1884, and the Explosive rules 1983. Explosives, fuses, detonators, etc. shall be purchased only from licensed dealers. Transportation and storage of explosives shall confirm to the aforesaid act. Explosives shall be securely kept and properly accounted. Fuses and detonators shall be stored separately and away from the explosives. 

Blasting operation shall be carried out under the supervision of a responsible and competent authorised person during approved specified hours. Red flags shall be prominently displayed around the area where blasting operations are to be carried out. A safety zone of 200 meters shall be created from the blasting site prohibiting entry of non essential personnel. Audio warning by blowing whistle shall be given before igniting the fuse. 

1 comment

  1. I didn't realize how many safety precautions need to be taken before carrying out blasting operations. My friend's husband just got a job blasting for a construction company and I wondered how they made sure the area was safe. It seems like they take a lot of good precautions before blasting is permitted.
