From the perspective of financial institutions, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is inherently linked to the project cycle. EIA begins with screening at the.time of prospect identification. Getting EIA done is the responsibility of whoever is taking credit loan (borrower) and incorporating i t into project appraisal is the task financial institution . Prior to project appraisal, EIA study is sent to Financial Institutions. Thus, EIA study to financial institution for Bank loans and credit except pectoral and structural adjustment loans for the project. If the EIA study is satisfactory it forms the basis for making decision to clear the project and incorporate Environment Management Plan (EMP) into the loan agreement. .Procter the agreement is signed it becomes mutual responsibility of the financial institutional and borrower to monitor environmental performance and compilation according to EMP conditions Ispell in the agreement. After implementation is complete the project completion report should include evaluation of impact that occurred and the activeness of mitigation measures adopted in Environmental Management Plan.
Figure shows application flow diagram of a model ITEGIS software (Srivastava and Kurnar, 1993) in internal and external management and appraisal, monitoring and evaluation of agricultural and industrial projects. ITEGIS is antonym for Integrated Terrain Environmental and Geographic Information System. The ITEGIS produces appraisal report after integrating EIA and EMP into financial institutions policy on loan &
credit, The ITEGIS works on a personal computer and is user friendly.
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Application Flow Diagram of ITEGLS in Agricultural and Industrial Projects |
Training in Financial Institutional become inevitable to use ITEGIS either on computer or I - using tabular and hand calculation of EIA and EMP procedures.
ITEGIS produces impact of a project on land, water, air quality, huntsman resources and human resources base. All these impacts are then analyzed to produce EIA, Environment Energy and Social Audit of the Project. EIA and all the audit reports are then used to produce project appraisal report according to environmental policy of Financial Institutions. Thus depending on the size and complexity of the project one call either comprehensively use ITEGIS simulation result or use a simplified project-wise guidelines derived from the simulation models. Computer models heip in doing calculations in perspective financial planning and prediction of resource productiorl and procluclivity
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