In 1920s and 1930s, Elton Mayo and F. J. Roethlisberger at Harvard University gave academic status to the study of human behaviour at work.
Their experiments at Western Electronic Company, Hawthorne Plant clearly brought out that organisation is a social system and worker is not a simple tool but a complex personality interacting in group situation which is often very difficult to understand and predict. Elton Mayo is referred to as Father of Human Relations School.
Human Relations School grew so fast with the work at research centre for Group Dynamics University of Mitchigan; Personnel Research Board, Ohio State University, Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London etc. that it was largely misunderstood and emphasised as "being nice to people while subtly trying to manipulate employees."
Therefore the term human relations gradually lost favour and was replaced with the "Organisation Behaviour" with increasing emphasis on research and training Bom various social disciplines.
After studying this unit, you should be able to
- conceptualise the importance of human behaviour at work,
- appreciate that each employee is a person with multiple needs, values, attitudes, which have a bearing on his behaviour,
- explain the theories of work motivation,
- describe the inter-personal communication and relationships in the organisations,
- discuss dynamics of intra-personal and group processes, and
- develop ah appreciation or human problems at work.
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