While a methodical approach will help, what is most crucial is the need for visionary leadership. In an atmosphere where speedy, correct and effective decision making are the order of the day infusing the people with vision will become more pronounced. The leader will be required to create a focus and lead people through a process in which they march forward to actualize the cherished goals. The power of the leader in the organisation will not arise from his designation, shareholding pattern or functional specialisation, but from his/her sphere of influence on the people, the ability to empower them and clearly educate and guide them. The leader will thus, be a culture creater, an identity to fashion people's aspirations to the organisational goals. Organisation's evaluation of people, to man superior positions will be based on technical skills coupled with the quality to develop and inspire people and not based on seniority and age.
The effect of change is always studded with resistance and power blocks. It thus, needs patience, perseverance, tact and above all, a tremendous commitment at all levels, to change. The path is difficult as it involves changing the value system, culture, structures and systems which have been in existence, to which employees are acclimatized with and from whom some people derive their power and existence. When these get shaken, the top management sometimes becomes unsure and is put under pressures of different kinds. The result; change is aborted. However, those who go through it find the process rewarding and a ready for Alberta future. Thus, finally, Indian organisation now face challenges, opportunities and risks that have been alien to them, in the past. What is required is a clear and committed strategic intent, strong structure, right attitudes, a clear and acceptable work ethic, intelligent, sharp techniques and commitment from top management downwards to the development of such an organisation. Being competitive implies the ability to harness the talent of each member of the organisation in the pursuit of clearly outlined common objectives.
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