
Labour Quality

The basic necessity of work quality is the quality of its human resource particularly at the operative level. The labour productivity is largely dependent on the quality of labour force available in given geographical area. Widely scattered and varied construction projects undertaken by a construction firm makes it necessary to employ the local labour to a very large extent barring some very specialized trades. Workers, thus, follow the availability of job opportunities in the area and constantly change their employment. Their loyalist and commitment is more towards their gang leader and labour contractor as compared to their employer. 

Another important aspect in labour quality in construction is "learning by doing" process of training and acquirement of skills. The different methods of doing the same work and different methods of achieving the same goal are learned either by imitation or trial and error techniques at actual construction sites. One's perceptions of work methodology are changed, modified, reinforced or defined by subsequent experiences. The pooling of knowledge and skill of a group of persons (gang) can provide more choices and options in problems at sites. Thus, in the absence of any rational and organised apprentice training and skill formation programme, the quality of construction, labour force available in an area will be isolated to the local level of work activity in particular trade. On the contrary, a well organised and widespread network of Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) is established throughout the country for different trades of manufacturing, production or process industries. 

The major cause of poor quality and productivity in construction sector is the scarcity of skilled manpower. As said earlier, it is much easier to find a contractor in our country than to find a good mason or concrete. This is primarily due to total absence of apprentice training programmed in construction related trades inspite of establishment of several building centres by HUDCO and trade training initiatives taken under "Construction Workers Vocational Qualification Project" by GNOU-CIDC in the country. The next best alternative of providing "on the job" training is also non-existent. 

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