

  1. Ensure that the material is of the correct type  as  per approved sample. 
  2. Common types  are AC building board, fibre hardboard wood particle board, veneered particle board, block board, teak planking, acoustic board or cement/concrete lime plaster. 
  3. Check that fixing of the frame supporting the ceiling is adequately done with screws. 
  4. Check spacing and size of ceiling joints. 
  5. See that joints in the planking are  neat  and close and fixed with counter sunk screws. 
  6. AC board/hard board/fibre board/block board are not to be tightly butted against  each other; a space of 3 mm should be left between edges. 
  7. When joints are covered with fillets or mouldings, these should be painted as specified before fillets/mouldings are fixed. 
  8. Ensure that the ceiling does and give any undulating appearance. 
  9. In the case of accoustics board ensure that the dis tempering is by spray painting or by dusting as specified and that there is no bridging of the  gap which  would affect  accoustics effect. Oil paint or oil bound distemper should not be used for accoustics board.

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