Installation of Pumps
- Ensure that the pumping set, received is of the correct type, capacity, complete with Prime Mover, valves (foot valve and reflex valve), gauges, spare parts, tools, suction and delivery flanges, foundation bolts, manufacture's instructions book and cataloger, as specified.
- Before convincing the work of installation, ensure that the layout has been approved. The layout should be such as to provide the most direct connection between the suction and delivery flanges of the pumps and the suction and delivery pipes, with the minimum number of bends. Avoid sharp bends especially near the pump, where their effect is greatest.
- See that concrete foundations are made as per maker's foundation drawing. If none exists, prepare one your self and have it approved. Special care should be taken in grouting the proper and correct size of foundation bolts.
- Ensure that the foundation has properly set, before the pump set is actually installed.
- See that the alignment is correct. Although the coupling may be flexible, it allows only for very small errors.
- Care must be taken to support both the suction and delivery piping so that no stress is put on the pump either from weight or expansion.
- See that all joints in the suction piping are made absolutely air right. This is particularly important with centrifugal pumps.
- See that the strainer and foot valve are well submerged below water level at all times.
- See that necessary arrangements are made to drain the pipe in frosty weather.
- When two or more pumps are installed together supplying into the same delivery main, each set should have its own delivery sluice valve and reflux valve.
- When pumps have flooded suction, ensure that an isolating sluice valve is provided on suction side of each pump.
- Ensure that the work of installation of deep well pumps is carried out strictly in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and catalogue.
- While installing deep well pumps and pipe work in bore holes, great care is to be taken to avoid dropping them in.
- Where deep well turbine pumps are to be installed in tube wells, it should be ensured that the tube wells are bored true, straight and vertical.
- Check that the casing of adequate diameter to provide proper clearance, so that the pump hangs free in plumb.
- Ensure that deep well pumps are placed at such a depth in the bore hole that at least the 1st stage always remains submerged at the lowest water level.
- In case of an engine driven pumping sets see that special attention is paid to ventilation, cooling system and fixing of exhaust pipe which must always be taken outside the building sufficiently above Graceland level.
Before carrying out the testing check the following:
- The installation has been properly completed and sufficient water is available for testing.
- The alignment is correct and the foundation are properly tight.
- All the valves, gauges, and controls have been properly fixed, adjusted and are functioning satisfactorily.
- Glands are suitably packed and not leaking.
- Bearing shushes are properly lubricated.
- Power supply is available and connection properly made.
- Sufficient quantity of POL is available.
- Testing instruments speedometer, suction and delivery gauges, water meter, volt and ammeters, meager thermometer, feeler gauges and spirit level arc avail able.
- See that the testing is carried out as specified and test results recorded on the proper testing sheet and signed by the contractor/supplying firing and Engineer-in-Chargeable.
- Ensure that the defects noticed during testing are rectified by the contractor.
- See that the plant is not taken into use till such time, the performance test is satisfactory and passed by the Inspector.
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