As the late Industrial Era has given way to the Information Era, long held assumptions about organisational effectiveness have become obsolete. Steep hierarchies are no longer needed to get things done. It is quality of "relationship" between producers and consumers among work associates, and between individuals and the means by which they produce - that determines and sustains organisational success.
Organisation is intimately associated with people who are living and changing. All living things change, none remains stable. Hence, organisations change, and wise managers recognise this fact and use organisation dynamics to update and improve the organisation.
In contemplating any organisation change, it is well to weigh the probable gains and losses before reaching a decision. In this respect, a reaffirmation of the objective is helpful. Also preventive organisational change should be stressed. This includes periodic efforts to detect areas where change is going to be needed to avoid serious organisation trouble. It is erroneous to confine efforts solely to situations that currently exist, i.e. concentrate upon remedial organisation changes. Normally, what is called for is either an analysis in depth of the situation under question or a survey to uncover the broad contributing factors.
After studying this unit, you should be able to
- describe organisational dynamics through systems approach,
- discuss managerial roles in social system,
- describe the factors affecting the organisation,
- identify the types of organisation structure,
- explain the concept of authority and power, and
- outline the steps for transforming and renewing the organisation.
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