Some selected techniques of management development are briefly discussed.below :
Coaching and Counselling
Superior officer becomes a mentor, helping to define learning goals, to learn how others see their behaviour, learn new modes of behaviour which can be more effective in goal achievement.
Life and Planning Activities
These activities help individuals to focus on life and career objectives, assessment of capabilities and identify training needs.
'T' Groups
Training groups focusing and mirroring individual attitudes and values to create increased awareness/sensitivity to emotional reactions in himself and others to learn
consequences to his actions and behaviour.
Team Building Interventions
To help group of individuals to know what hinders individuals to work effectively as a team, focus on improvement of interpersonal skills as well as clarify goals.
Management by Objectives (MBO)
The superior and subordinate pairs across the board, continuously set goal and assess achievement in harmony doth major organisational goals.
Job Rotation
Individuals move from job to job to experience the problems and opportunities in other jobs.
Job Enrichment
The job is enriched by adding higher levels of responsibility as well as improving task identity, task variety, skill variety autonomy and feedback about results.
Role Analysis Techniques
Role incumbent interacts with all the people occupying roles of concern to his role (role set) and clarifies his as well as expectations of others and works out ways to meet expectations.
Personality Development Workshops
The workshops provide insights about human behaviour, bettering communication styles, etc.
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