Learning is a relatively permanent change in a behavioral tendency and is the result of reinforced practice.
- Learning has to progress from the simple to complex.
- Repetition of the right behavior is necessary for learning. More the repetition, greater is the retention (Law of Repetition).
- Success is import'ant to make learning-more effective (Law of Effect).
- For learning to be effective, the individual has to be ready and motivated, otherwise the training resources are wasted.
- Feedback to learner about his success in learning improves his motivation.
- People learn more by doing than by hearing alone.
- Learning has to be immediately followed by application otherwise learning is not retained.
- Learning some questions unanswered, causes the learner to think more and increases learning (this is called Zeigarnik effect).
- Trainees learn better when they learn at their own place.
- Learning from earlier experiences can affect later learning.
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